How to Choose the Best Head Table Seating for Your Wedding
When arranging head table wedding party seating, planners should take a few details into account. How big is the wedding party? Will you need extra room for dancing? Are photography vantage points a priority? Is it of paramount importance to keep couples in the wedding party seated together? Here we present several examples of how seating arrangements can best suit your needs:
Split Head Table
This is a great option if bridal party members have spouses and you want them to all sit together, but still be close to bride and groom.

Sweetheart Table
This table is an option is for the bride and groom only, while everyone else is seated at the round guest tables filling our Grand Ballroom. Sweetheart tables are great for having romantic alone time, and a bigger dance floor, depending on your guest count.

King’s Table or Feasting Table
This table has seats around the whole perimeter. This is the most popular option for larger bridal parties, or for people that want all the bridal party members’ spouses together. We have set up feasting tables for 6 and up to 30! Some couples don’t like the idea of having peoples’ backs showing in the photos. They may prefer our next option more, a traditional head table…

Traditional Long Head Table
This is a Traditional Long Head table. Our most popular option! For this table we can set for as small as 4 people and up to 16 across! Couples like this option because all their bridal party members’ smiling faces are in the photos. Nothing is obstructing the view of the head table and bride and groom. This option is very symmetrical and looks wonderful in photos.

Your seating arrangement can be tailored to your wedding’s specific attributes. A little planning goes a long way to making the event an enjoyable one for everyone who attends. Look over your guest list, review the size and makeup of your wedding party, and identify your top priorities. Then choose the table configuration that will help make your special day run smoothly and seamlessly.